Sunday, September 05, 2004


(part 1 of an impossible to complete whole / hole)
1. Harold Brodkey (dead) writes that love and ambition are necessary for life. He is correct. Those times when you’re down, weepy, unable to discern why you feel the way you do—is it a broken heart, unquenched desire, loneliness or is it the life’s positioning, potential unfulfilled, trajectories uncertain?—the confusion comes because the sadness and ache is rooted in the synthesis of these fixations, these most important fixations. Thus when one falls out (say love), the other (ambition) falters, fissures form, sadness creeps in.

2. To label yourself is a form of self annihilation akin to suicide. The moment you’re reduced to a term, you’ve stopped living, stopped being everything you are that denies that term.

3. Sexuality is a set of personal aesthetics manifested in contemporary attitudes (as in posturing) of gender.

4. Morality should be rooted in memory, learned experience, rather than law or dogmas. Remember how it felt when your lover just stopped calling you? Don’t impose that feeling on someone else. Simple.

5. No one has an innate ambition. What we strive for has as much to do with who we are as it has to do with outside forces telling us who we should be, what we should achieve, what we’re good at. The idea of ambition reveals the porousness of identity. Like sexuality, ambition or what we choose as our ambition, is aesthetic.

6. Good intentions (whatever they are) mean nothing when pitted against actions.

7. Ignorance is not bliss. You are responsible for understanding your complicit nature, how your decadent life effects others, on whose backs, through what bloodshed. Read into the hurricanes assaulting Florida. True metaphors. Plagues agitating the deceit and mire swept under the rug (so to speak). Nature moaning, twitching for her well-deserved retribution.

8. Love is denial.

Feel free, readers, to engage with any or all of these points. Since they are ethics of ambiguity, they’re open for discussion, evisceration. The editor has adjusted Ambigutrex's settings to allow anyone to make comments... so please do if you'd like to.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

But is Brodkey a monogamist? Is this great transcendent love limited to a single soullmate? What happens to Eros when we commit to this glorious transcendent love?


8:40 PM  
Blogger Adam said...

Brodkey's love is open ended... it can refer to friendship or romance. Monogomy is an absolute and Brodkey and myself abhor the realm of absolutes. So no, I doubt this man who died of AIDS was much of a monogomist. His aphorism is brief and vague for a reason... so we can attribute to it what we will. Love and ambition. The stuff. The stuff.

8:55 PM  

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